
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Konstantin Nick (@sputn1ck) and I build lnplays.com for the Lighting Hackday in June 2018. You could play Pokémon via the Lightning Network build. Pressing the buttons of the GameBoy to move the player and to interact with the world would generate a lightning invoice. Paying that invoice would send the pressed button to the game-backend and the user could see the action over the live stream. The site not longer up, but parts of it can still be seen on archive.org.

lnplays.com screenshot
screenshot of the user interface of lnplays.com
All text and images in this work are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Creative Commons License


Image for c-lightning plugin: csvexportpays

March 2, 2019

c-lightning plugin: csvexportpays

A toy plugin for c-lightning to export all payments made with a c-lightning node to a .csv file. I build this a few days after Blockstream released the plugin support in c-lightning v0.7 to showcase how simple it is to build plugins.


Image for transactionfee.info (2018 version)

January 22, 2018

transactionfee.info (2018 version)

We build transactionfee.info in 2018 to raise awareness about the inefficient use of block space by exchanges, services, and wallets. The project is a joint effort with Bitrefill CEO @ziggamon.