(2017 version)
Saturday, October 7, 2017The website displays statistics about my Bitcoin mempool. This covers the 2017 version which I iterated on in 2019.

The website was my first open-source Bitcoin project. I started working on it in mid-2017 and officially released it on the 7th of October 2017. At the end of 2017, the Bitcoin transaction fees sky-rocketed which resulted in a lot of traffic to my site. The high transaction fees were caused by a flood of transactions as the price of bitcoin rose to $20.000. I regularly ran into problems with long-running Python scripts due to querying and processing mempool on a low-end VPS. Due to time constraints, I wasn’t able to improve the backend performance. This resulted in version 2017 of dying down in 2018 due to not being maintained. I started working on a next version of the site in 2020 with performance and maintainability as key goals.
Source Code on GitHub for 2017 version 2017 version on

version 1.0.0 of memo is live! 👓
— (@mempoolobserver) October 7, 2017