0xB10C – Tracepoints and monitoring the Bitcoin network

Monday, June 6, 2022

Jonas, Murch, and I chat about monitoring Bitcoin mining pools and tracing Bitcoin Core.

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Image for Workshop: Tracing Bitcoin Core v23.0

June 8, 2022

Workshop: Tracing Bitcoin Core v23.0

I’ve held a workshop showcasing the new tracepoints and tracing functionallity included in Bitcoin Core release v23.0.


Image for Monitoring Bitcoin mining pool transaction selection

May 8, 2022

Monitoring Bitcoin mining pool transaction selection

Can we detect transaction censorship by mining pools on the Bitcoin network?

I spoke at the MIT Bitcoin Expo 2022 about mining pool transaction selection, my miningpool-observer project, and observed extra, missing, and conflicting transactions between my block templates and the blocks mined by pools. I conclude that we can detect large scale transcation censorship by but haven’t seen any concrete evidence for censorship attempts yet.